Some customers ask why
PhoneClean always backup their data before clean process. Sometimes, they feel annoyed
about this if the backup process is taking a long time. Today, we will explain
this to you and teach how to delete the backups created before deep clean.
First, we would like to tell
you that considering the significance of your data, PhoneClean creates full
backups prior to any cleaning action. Upon doing so, even you mistakenly
deleted some of useful personal data, like an important message or other
valuable photos; you can get them back by restoring your device to any
appointed backup point. It will be appreciated
for your kind understanding for that.
If you really do not want to keep the backup, please refer to the tutorial
to delete it permanently.
If you are using PC, here is the path that backup located:
you are using Mac, here is the path of backup located:
Finder > Go > Go to Folder > Enter: ~/Library/Application
Support/MobileSync/Backup/ > Go.
you have any questions, please leave your comments or contact our Customer
Support directly. Thank you for your generous support and kind understanding to
iMobie in advance.
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